Your business
on The Well
Choose Verdun Open Your Business on the Strip SDC Wellington support Action plan Contact Us
Choose Verdun

In step with the wider borough’s current renewal, the economic vitality of Wellington Street is in full effervescence. Engaged, loyal and warm, Verdunites are always eager to discover new businesses and, when they adopt you, it’s for a long time.

A community that values buying local

Of the 250 businesses to have set up shop on this popular street, 175 were still in business five years later. With a survival rate nearing 70%, choosing Verdun to bring your ambitions to life is a well-calculated risk.

An accessible area

Located in the heart of a calm area, easily accessible with 3 metro stations nearby, surrounded by bike paths and just minutes from the riverfront, the downtown area, the highway and the Champlain Bridge; Verdun is a year-round economic hub.

An animated community life

Throughout the year, the commercial artery is transformed into a great gathering place with evening dancing, outdoor group classes and open-air sidewalk sales. People of all generations meet there to enjoy the lively ambiance.

Open Your Business on the Strip
3804, rue Wellington

Perrine Petit
perrine@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
1000 pi2 // Location au mois (pop-up shop) - commerce de détail

3835, rue Wellington

Maxime Desormeaux - 514 581-6939
Espace réception / Salle fermée à louer
Terrasse et salle d'attente commune - Cuisine - Climatisation - Accès 24/24h
Plus de détails : https://officerie.ca

3910, rue Wellington

Cession de bail - Paulina Korzekwa
info@patisseriebeline.com // 438 490-7769
1000 pi2 // Sous-sol rénové

3950, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
1050 pi2

3981, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514 766-6437
2200 pi2 // Rez-de-chaussée

3982, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
Myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
Bureaux à l'étage d'environ 1205 pi2

3984, rue Wellington – Studio

Camille Rouleau
514 303-4514
Salle de 1 100 pi2 avec miroirs et espace vestiaire
Location temporaire

4012, rue Wellington

(438) 940-4900
Nombreuses formules offertes : bureaux privés / salles / événementiel. Clés en main et baux flexibles.

4028, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
Espaces de bureaux à l'étage

4030, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
1800 pi2

4080, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray
myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
2 étages de bureaux allant de 1 000 à 10 000 pi2 selon besoins

4110, rue Wellington bur. 300

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514 766-6437
6230 pi2 // Espace de bureau

4130, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
Myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
3000 pi2 - rénové

4216, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray
Bureau à l'étage 285 pi2- cuisine et salle d'attente communes - chauffage, électricité et climatisation inclus

4216, rue Wellington, bureau à partager

Sandrine Dionne-Gougeon
Bureau à l'étage de 300 pi2 à partager avec autre service professionnel

4413, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
3500 pi2 // Rez-de-chaussée

4537, rue Wellington

La Mistinguette
Communiquez avec Catherine Audet: info@lamistinguette.ca

4567, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
980 pi2

4717, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
2 000 pi2 avec sous-sol

4932, rue Wellington

Myranie Bray - Conseillère en développement commercial
myranie@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
17 000 pi2

5000, rue Wellington

Marie-Eve Girard - Conseillère en développement commercial
marie-eve@promenadewellington.com // 514-766-6437
4560 pi2 avec stationnements

5019, rue Wellington

Marie-Eve Girard
1100 pi2 + extension // Entrepôt 500 pi2 // Porte "overhead" & convoyeur bidirectionnel pour réception/expédition de marchandise

SDC Wellington support

Boost the visibility of Wellington Street and their members

Develop both generic and member-specific communication tools

Organize cultural and commercial events

Planning and holding advertising campaigns

Communications and public relations

Adding Value

Conduct studies and research to analyze the area

Recruit business in targeted sectors to achieve equilibrium desired for a mixed-use commercial sector

Forge partnerships between local business and organizations and landlords

Support the borough in managing public space and modifying legislation

Help the borough add value to public space (e.g., street pianos,
lighting, street furniture, etc.)

Oversee clean-up squad (May–October)

Member Services




Financial partner for member events

Member Representation

Before government and political bodies

At the association of Montréal SDCs, to foster retail growth Québec-wide

Action plan
Communication with members

To lower our environmental footprint and maximize
efficiency, SDCW uses exclusively electronic communication
tools with members. This includes a bilingual
newsletter published on average twice a month.

The newsletter provides a wealth of information on local
news, upcoming events and major communications
campaigns – an invaluable tool to help members keep
their fingers on the pulse of the latest skills development
and business trends.

Event communications

4 far-reaching event marketing campaigns are carried
out every year to promote the 4 major events held on
Wellington Street.

Combining print and digital media, these campaigns get people talking about Wellington Street and give merchants valuable visibility.

Joint Communications

Large-scale communication campaigns harness the
power of teamwork: by pooling resources, merchants
can use major media platforms that might otherwise be
beyond their advertising budget.

Outdoor advertising on STM buses

Advertising buys in newspapers

Métrovision (TV network in the Montréal Metro system)

Wellzine - Promenade Wellington magazine
(32 000 copies)

Thanks to our partners
Contact Us

SDC Wellington
266, Hickson
Verdun QC. H4G 2J6
T. 514 766-6437
