Détails de l'événement Recruitment
Back to School Sidewalk sale 2019
23 August au 25 August 2019

From August 23 to 25, 2019, the back to school sidewalk sale takes hold of the Wellington Promenade. This is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the good weather before go back to school! In addition to the end-of-summer sales, the 9th edition of the Festival des Marionnettes Plein la Rue 2019 will be held at the Promenade on August 24 and 25, 2019. The artery will be lined with show scenes, artists wandering and festive animation. .

🔹 Zarï – Bijoux et vêtements
🔹 Mamidou – Porte clé
🔹 Zazibel – Jeux et jouets
🔹 LiliandTrotro Jewelry – Bijoux
🔹 Josy Candelas – Bijoux et déco
🔹 PLB – Vêtements adultes et enfants
🔹 Miss Pompon – Bijoux et Vêtements adultes
🔹 Le curieux placard de Chantal – Produits de beauté
🔹 Maryse Caminel – Bijoux et accessoires mode
🔹 Supayana – Vêtements enfants et femmes
🔹 Hartiatoys – Jouets
🔹 The Black Smoker – Poteries, fleurs et plantes
🔹 Naturacoeur Savonnerie et Naturopathie – Produits de beauté
🔹Danieve Bijoux – Bijoux
🔹 Gene Deschamps ET De Verdun – Bijoux
🔹 Fida Henna Artist – Tatouage au henné

Tarot Corbeau – Tirage aux cartes

Heures d'ouverture

Friday, August 23, 2019: 9am to 9pm
Saturday, August 24, 2019: 9am to 7pm
Sunday, August 25, 2019: 9am to 5pm

Admission to the site: free
Location: Wellington Street, 6th Avenue, Lasalle Blvd.

How to get a booth?

Are you an artist? Artisan? Responsible for an NPO? We invite you to exhibit your works or to show to the entire world your products / services during these three days of festivities.

Download the registration form  that should be complete online and return completed.

Perrine will answer your questions by email or phone.
